News Room

Alberta PNP Draw

Oct 28, 2020

 Alberta has launched a new PNP stream: the International Graduate Entrepreneur stream. This is for individuals who have completed post-secondary education in Alberta and wish to start a business in the province. The province will also launch a new Foreign Graduate Startup Visa Stream in 2021.

The Government of Alberta is launching two new immigration pathways to encourage international graduates to open businesses here in Alberta that will create new high-paying jobs for Albertans and help diversify the economy.

Starting October 26, 2020, recent international graduates from Alberta’s universities and colleges interested in launching business ventures and start-ups in Alberta can submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) under to the new International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream. In January, Alberta will also launch the Foreign Graduate Start-up Visa Stream to attract talented international graduates from top U.S. universities and colleges to start businesses and settle in Alberta communities.

Details on the International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream are available now. Information on the Foreign Graduate Start-up Visa Stream will be posted to the AINP website later this year.