News Room

British Columbia PNP Draw

Jul 20, 2022

July 19, 2022, BCPNP draw results:

Targeted tech draw
Number of Invitations: 139 invitations
Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option) category minimum score: 85
- This draw invited candidates with a job offer in one of 29 tech occupations*

Targeted draw healthcare
Number of Invitations: 8 invitations
Skilled Worker, International Graduate, Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (includes EEBC option) category minimum score: 60
- This draw invited candidates eligible under the Skilled Worker and International Graduate streams and a job offer in one of 35 healthcare-related occupational codes.

Targeted childcare draw
Number of Invitations: 18 invitations
Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option) category minimum score: 60
- The following draw targeted candidates eligible under the International Graduate stream with a job offer as an early childhood educator and assistants  in NOC 4214.