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Quebec government releases details of new pilot programs

Oct 29, 2020

The Government of Quebec has released details of three pilot permanent immigration programs that will be implemented in early 2021.

The draft regulation relating to the implementation of three new permanent immigration pilot programs was published on October 28, 2020 in the Gazette officielle du Québec.

Over the next 45 days, the government intends to gather comments on these programs before their official launch.

The three new permanent immigration pilot programs, already announced by the government earlier this year, are as follows:

  • the pilot program for orderlies;
  • the pilot program for workers in the artificial intelligence (AI), information technologies (IT) and visual effects sectors;
  • the pilot program for workers in food processing (FP).

In addition, the government announced major improvements to the application intake process for the Program for Refugees Abroad, or Collective sponsorship, as well as new regulations for the Self-Employed Worker Program and the Entrepreneur Program.